Thursday, April 10, 2008

6 Months

Yo, waaatssup??? "Word" from Kyleigh... (second from top photo)
Wow, can you believe it??? Kyleigh has passed a milestone. She is now 6 months old (well, once again, plus a few weeks). It's so amazing how much she continues to change, yet in many ways remain the same. She's still the laid back, easy going, happy baby that she always was. However, she is so much brighter now. She pays so much attention to what we're doing, watching every movement we make and trying to mock us. She's recently taken to trying to get a drink of daddy's beer. It's too funny! Daycare says she wonderful, and so did her pediatrician at the 6 month appointment (actually, I think her exact words were "perfect").
Kyleigh is now eating 2-3 meals a day, and most recently has been eating food that mom has made. She loves most things, but the verdict is still out on avocados and fresh banana (odd). A new favorite is pears with blueberries. As you can see from the photo above, she has become quite independent the past 2 weeks and likes to feed herself her evening bottle. We just lay her down on the sofa propped up by a pillow and she feeds herself. Now, mind you, she gets it in her hair, eyes, nose and neck...but she seems to love the independence. Another milestone was that we've FINALLY stopped swaddling her. YEAH!!! One more thing worth mentioning is that she's almost sitting independently, she just needs a little something behind her to break the occasional roll back.
A few exciting events this month were Lucy's Christening on the 30th (photo of Kyleigh in her beret). Nicole was kind enough to host the first "Baby's and Bagels" event at her house. See all the babies on the couch (with Chrissy's protective "Thing" hand in the foreground). And yes, all the moms knew each other while we were pregnant, it was quite a site when we all went out to dinner! On the sofa you've got Sophie, Will, Lucy, Will, Kyleigh and Ben. They're all a few weeks apart, with the first Will being the oldest (his mommy was having him during my shower) and the youngest being Sophie. I think I've said this before, but Kyleigh and Ben are only 12 hours apart. Their's already speculation that they will be boyfriend/girlfriend. They are both so laid back.